Stored procedure recompile
Stored procedure recompile

stored procedure recompile

The difference between RECOMPILE and WITH RECOMPILE is that RECOMPILE can be added to the stored procedure as a query hint, and only that query within the stored procedure, not all of the queries in the stored procedure, will be recompiled. In SQL Server 2005, a new option if available: the RECOMPILE query hint. If the stored procedure has more than one query in it, as most do, it will recompile all of the queries in the stored procedure, even those that are not affected due to atypical parameters. This of course removes the benefits of query plan reuse, but it does ensure that each time the query is run, that the correct query plan is used. With this option added, a stored procedure will always recompile itself and create a new query plan each time it is run. If object is the name of a stored procedure or trigger, the stored procedure or trigger will be recompiled the next time that it is run. object is nvarchar (776), with no default. In this case, what you can do is to ALTER the stored procedure and add the WITH RECOMPILE option to it. Take a close look at the sprecompile The qualified or unqualified name of a stored procedure, trigger, table, or view in the current database. If you identify a stored procedure that usually runs fine, but sometimes runs slowly, it is very possible that you are seeing the problem described above. But, in some circumstances, it can cause a problem, assuming the parameters vary substantially from execution to execution of the query. Most of the time, you probably don’t need to worry about the above problem. But if the parameters are not typical, it is possible that the cached query plan that is being reused might not be optimal, resulting in the query running more slowly because it is using a query plan that is not really designed for the parameters used. nope it will run parallely but based on locks etc.My question is the following: Assume we are talking about something like below: EXEC dbo.m圜ustomerAddress zipcode99999 WITH RECOMPILE Lets say it runs in 15 seconds. I understand the options of recompile with an sp. If the values of the parameters of the stored procedure are similar from execution to execution, then the cached query plan will work fine and the query will perform optimally. Fellow SQLers, My question is very specific - not general. But what if the same stored procedure is run, but the values of the parameters change? What happens depends on how typical the parameters are. If the query inside the stored procedure that runs each time has identical parameters in the WHERE clause, then reusing the same query plan for the stored procedure makes sense. So if you need to run the same stored procedure 1,000 times a day, a lot of time and hardware resources can be saved and SQL Server doesn’t have to work as hard. Each time the same stored procedure is run after it is cached, it will use the same query plan, eliminating the need for the same stored procedure from being optimized and compiled every time it is run. Whenever a stored procedure is run in SQL Server for the first time, it is optimized and a query plan is compiled and cached in SQL Server’s memory.

Stored procedure recompile